Well, ever since coming back from Australia, I have been taking it easy and playing online. For those of you that have been using Eurolinx for a while, you'll notice that we are on a new, better network now called Prima. There is much more action and the games are much juicier!
I've been playing mostly $50/$100 NL, $100/$200 NL, and $200/$400 NL. This is the highest I've ever played, and I must say, the swings are insane! I started off pretty smoothly, with a very steady daily profit of around $20k or more. The past few days have not been so consistent though. On Saturday, I lost $90k. On Sunday, I was up $260k but ended up losing most of it back and finished the day +$60k. Today was my worst day, losing $150k to Tunaeatr.
At one point, I was up almost $450k! After today, I am down to +$170k for the year in cash games. Most people would look at that and say "That's amazing!", but I'm really disappointed with my play the last couple of days. I should have won more but I made a few bad moves and paid for it.
Some people have said "Tunaeatr" is the famous Johnny Lodden, but I don't think so. I was totally controlling the action on the table, and Tunaeatr was playing very passive/calling station. Never raised me, never bluffed me. The perfect opponent to play heads-up against. And I guess I was steaming, because I still called his river bets even though I knew he had it.
Playing for this kind of money is so hard on the nerves. Even though I have beat the game, I feel like my edge is too small, and I just don't need the stress of these swings in my life. It was very fun playing these high stakes games and I have learned a lot and improved my heads-up game. I think I'm going to reduce my high stakes play to taking "shots" at the game once in a while when I feel it is very weak or if I am running extremely well that day. I'll probably be sticking to $10/$20 NL, $25/$50 NL, and maybe $50/$100 NL.
In other news, I think I might go down to Los Angeles at the end of this month for the L.A. Poker Classic. I'm still undecided about L.A., but I am definitely going to play the EPT Championship in Monte Carlo at the end of March and I will be attempting to make the final table in back-to-back years! That would be something...